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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Letters from friends

2002-11-08 - 10:52 a.m.

So tonight, while the supervisor was in his office, being all new and goofy, I took the time to write emails to a bunch of people who had not received emails from me in a long time. I'm really, really bad at responding to emails.

Anyway, I had forgotten how nice it is to get emails -back-. Especially when the emails are from old and good friends who say that "Yes! Christmas shopping -will- be nice!"

I have an entry to write about Rememberance Day (Veterans' Day for you yanks, I think), but I think I'm going to hold off, because I have conflicting feelings about it, and I don't want to just spit out something that doesn't explain them.

But then, I just might be a snob who doesn't give pictures their due.


The Magus

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