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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Notorious M.A.G.

2002-11-07 - 12:15 p.m.

The guy at the gym, who runs the member-card-scanny thing knows my name, and has now used it two days in a row. The first time I wasn't sure, since he'd never used my name before, and we didn't really talk at all before that, beyond him saying "Good morning." and me saying, "Hi," before scurrying into the locker room.

Now, he says "Hi Magus!" And so far I've only been able to look startled, confused, and frightened, and able to reply, "Uh, hi." Today I mumbled it so quietly that -I- couldn't even hear it. I know his name, too, because I hear other gym people use it. I even know his birthday is in the summer, so I don't know why I'm surprised that he knows my name, especially since he can see the card when he scans it.

And there's also the simple fact that, aside from co-workers and Pookie, the gym guy is probably the human being I see the most of on a regular basis. Now -that- is a frightening thought.

A more frightening thought is that we are going to have a house guest. I have promised Pookie that I will not get drunk and violent with this one. Pookie kinda found that funny.


The Magus

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