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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-11-06 - 1:11 a.m.

The cat left me alone, which was nice.

My toothbrush, an electric one that I decided to use on an impulse, is broken. It melts the batteries. I can't find the old, unbroken one.

It was raining today and I walked anyway. I like walking to's an hour of the day when I do the most (and sometimes the best) thinking. Most of my longer entries are thought up somewhere between home and work. I'm going to miss the walk when the weather turns nasty and cold...but I'll be walking when the first snow flies. I'm looking forward to that.

Pookie is depressed lately. He'll snap out of it.

I had the best workout ever today. Like, really, the absolute best. About three quaters of the way in I suddenly felt this almost irresistable urge to smile. I know it was just the endorphins, but I was practically flying. Is that normal? Today was my 12 weeks + 1 day workout.

Pookie's brother (the cop) has the honour of being the first person to ask me if I've been working out without prompting at all. Just out of the blue he asked me.

I am still reading the Karamazov Brothers, but also on my nightstand in various levels of progress are: The Fifth Elephant (Terry Pratchet), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Terry Gilliam?), Return of the King (from Lord of the Rings), Method in Theology (I've been 15 pages in for about 4 weeks.), and two finished collections of graphic novels (The Watchmen and part 2 of the Sandman series).

I think I'm generally happy.


The Magus

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