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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Thank you.

2002-11-05 - 11:01 a.m.

A quick entry before I slip away to blissful, uninterupted (even by a 'starving' cat with a beer belly) sleep.

I just wanted to thank everyone who's signed my guestbook or written notes over the past year. I have 17 or 18 pages now, and there isn't a negative comment in's really nice that people think so highly of my verbal diarrhea (<- I so mispelled that).

I also want to say thanks to all the diaries I've read over the months, whether they're listed as a favourite or not. I know this journalling community is often based on what might be an unhealthy combination of voyeurism and exhibitionism, but there are entries that have touched me as much as any novel has, and some diaries have become daily staples, like some peoples' inspirational desk calenders. Except you folks are more witty.

Hee! I must be tired, I'm getting all deliriously giddy and my spelling ability is going downhill fast. I promise that I will stop gushing and start getting angry at stuff again soon.


The Magus

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