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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

CBC Rawks!

2002-11-06 - 7:22 a.m.

Go Andy Barry! Go!

Despite his homophobia issues, can I just say that this guy is one of the absolute best reporters/interviewers I have ever had the experience to listen to? If you live in the Toronto area, listen to CBC radio some morning...this guy is amazing.

Once again, with an economist across from him, he "speculated out loud" about how it's always the Autism programs or housing initiatives that get cut, and rarely the kickbacks to big corporations.

The economist tried to retaliate before Andy quickly moved on, saying that those kickbacks were to increase jobs.

How many years, does anyone know, have we been giving extra perks to corporations, in order to promote job growth or to keep jobs in the area? Then how come the unemployment rate seems to have stayed roughly the same or even increased? Why are Canadians, when you factor inflation, on average poorer than they were in 1989?


The Magus

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