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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Errant Paragraphs and stuff.

2002-10-30 - 3:22 a.m.

I'm tired, may be coming down with another cold, and am trying to decide if I feel sad.

Such a collusion of events leads to nonsensical, almost whimsical entries where I bang my head on the keyboard while wondering what to type next.

Alternated with (of course) self-pitying entries about how I'm "broken" and will never be fixed and how everyone should loathe me because I am loatheable.

I know I'll be happy for this tomorrow, but I just realised that the above paragraph might have been said in all seriousness only 5 years ago or so. Now, I can only roll my eyes. I'm not broken, at least no more so than half the other people in the world. I'm not inherently loatheable, just occassionally caustic and/or shy, with a touch of being too smert (<- Pookie's word) for my own good. Smert. Ess Em Arr Tee. Wee. (<- not a spelled out letter. More a half-hearted exclamation of sponataneous fun).

Whoa. I'm stopping that paragraph right there. Not another sentence forward, young grouping of related phrases, not until you start making some sense.

I need some drugs. Entries like this one are not normal.


The Magus

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