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Announcing the 7th Annual October Gathering

2002-10-18 - 10:17 p.m.

Tomorrow is my oh-so-spiffy 7th Annual October's basically a gathering of people that I hold every year, usually around October. This one will be the 7th.

I started it (7 years ago, in fact) as a hallowe'en party, but thought it would be cool to call it the "1st Annual," because how could I know that it would happen again next year? I was being funny. What a card. Or is that cad? Since that first year, I've ended up giving each one a theme, so the 2nd gathering was "Bad Movie Night," the third, I think, was "The Simpsons," followed by an "Ab Fab" night (where my evil-business-degree friend fell down and lost consciousness...kinda fitting, actually). The 5th was an 80s party, which was kinda fun, the 6th, since I had just moved to Toronto, was a Good ol' down East kitchen party/beer blast that about 3 people showed up for.

Tomorrow's theme? The 7 Deadly Sins, thanks again to blind-merv for that one. Even if she can't make it (cottage-schmottage), I'll make some toast in her honour.

So far it looks like 1 person will show up. He might bring friends. He will, however, bring pot.

I thought I was going somewhere with this, probably saying something about how I'm glad I started this little a small way it makes me feel special, and gives me a sense of continuity. I see myself, ten years from now, still holding the parties, perhaps their tone having changed as I mature, as my lifestyle evolves, but always having my friends around for a good time with a wacky theme.

I might also have lamented the fact that my parties almost never have a big turn out, and I always start to feel like I'm guilting people into stopping by, which isn't cool. And, I remember that in the months before I left Halifax, I suddenly realised that there were a lot of really cool people in my life, a lot of people to send me off...I felt pretty darn special.

But I guess that's sort of the way with friends and me...because until my last year in Halifax I would throw a party and, if I was lucky, three or four folks would wasn't until I was leaving that I realised that I had a good group of core friends that just led busy lives, but on occassion they would all drop stuff to hang out with me. I need to realise that just because I have yet to successfully convince anyone to hang out with me in the last one and a half years that it doesn't mean they don't like me, right? I mean, -everyone- goes through periods of 18 months where no one ever wants to come to your party, go out for drinks, catch a baseball game...right?

I'll feel completely different tomorrow when the house is filled with laughter (herbally induced) and merriment. I'm going to wear a canadian flag t-shirt and go as "pride." I may throw in some sweat pants for sloth.


The Magus

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