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Tenacious D Rocks.

The Bank Lady

2002-10-18 - 7:52 p.m.

So, here I am at work again. Yay?

I opened a savings account. The bank lady kept trying to engage me in small talk, but whenever she asked me questions she always interrupted me when I tried to answer. For some reason I felt like she felt I shouldn't even be in there.

Is there an unwritten cut-off date for starting to save money? Like, are you supposed to be successful enough by 22 to start saving, and if you're not doing it by then then you might as well resign yourself to poverty?

I also have no idea what sort of savings account I have, or the interest I'm getting, or anything. I just like seeing that I have a certain sum of money sitting there that I can use at another date when there is a lot of money sitting there.

My life is so dull right now, it's fascinating. I bet you wish you were me.


The Magus

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