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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The Gold Member

2002-10-05 - 3:34 p.m.

Gah. Okay. I did it.

I have just paid to become a gold member for a year.

The main reason is because I've used the site for a year, and I like fact that it's free...even if I never use any of the Gold features, I'm glad I can help to maintain Andrew's financial empire.

So, now I should be looking for new templates and stuff, as well as banner-ad stuff. Wee! I'll probably poke around a few of those template sites and see if anything catches my interest. Though I do have an idea of what I'd like for a template, so maybe I'll start looking around for ways to bring that into existence.

Also, my forum is still up, and I bought a 6 month renewal of the free trial, so everyone should follow that link up on the top left-hand corner...I've been gradually making additions and changes to the forum, though what would -really- be nice is if there could be some discussion with people who are not me.

And there is no way at all that I'm going to meet my 365-entries-for-365-days goal. Ah well. It'll still be close. It was a silly goal anyway.


The Magus

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