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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The Date

2002-10-05 - 1:43 p.m.

So, the date.

It was fun. I liked the museum (and I spelled it right while drunk! Who knew?). There were moments where I just wanted to reach through the glass, just to touch these things that were made and used and maybe admired thousands of years ago (I'm fully aware that they may have been replicas, but there's no way to know, so right now the magic is intact). I was too afraid to touch the sculptures that weren't glass-enclosed until Pookie reached out and touched a stone cupid from Rome, maybe around the 2nd century. Then, quickly, a stole a touch, feeling guilty and thrilled.

I've decided that my major (when I go back to school, likely in less than two years) will be something that combines psychology and archeology or anthropology. I love history, have always loved it, and I especially love those moments at the beginning, when our ancestors were first learning to draw and sculpt, when even language was new...what made us reach out and create? What dreams motivated those early expressions?

I'm being far too poetic/tripe-ridden right now, but the museum reminded me about how much I enjoy academics, specifically history.

After the museum we went out to dinner, and talked about the world. We tried to focus on some good news in the world, of which there is little, but I asserted my hope that maybe there are struggles elsewhere that will bear some fruits...after the US has bombed the world into rubble, there will be a history of protest and of people working for a better world, and maybe, even if activists' ideals don't take root now, there will be better soil in the future.

And now I'm getting idealistic and preachy. Let's try again, with the third and almost final stop on our date.

We went to a bar and played pool, which was fun. Pookie and I are at about the same skill level (ie, really, really abysmal) so even though he beat me 5 times in a row, they were close games, two of which were lost because I scratched on the 8-ball. It seems Pookie had a fairly abusive boyfriend in the past who would make fun of him while playing pool, so it was nice for him to actually have fun, with someone who is not abusive (I think) while playing a game that really isn't so bad.

So, that was our date. We had fun. We later came home and watched tv and passed out. Yay!


The Magus

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