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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The trashiest entry yet!

2002-10-04 - 8:05 a.m.

Pookie and I are blowing off the potentially offensive "Trashy Bowling" gig that my work is putting on and going on a date tonight.

It's potentially offensive, because it may be an attempt to make fun of all those people who chose to be poor and live in trailer parks. This is by people who, on average, are three or four times above the poverty line. Those of us in my department are within touching distance of the poverty line. Some of us are lucky enough to sit on the poverty line. I grew up surrounded by three seperate trailer parks, in a Co-Op. The wealthy people lived in the trailers.

For the Trashy Bowling they are asking that people dress up to reflect the trashy theme. I realised that I could probably just wear something out of the closet.

So, Pookie and I will go on a date instead. To the museum. And then to dinner. And then to a piano-and-dance bar.

Yes, it's free night at the museum, and yes I've suddenly become completely disjointed in this entry, but that's because of the coffee and my going-home-soon-ness.

I also had a goal of having my 365th entry being on the anniversary of this diary, but that would mean I have to stagger my entries until the 25th...and I'm not sure if I can do that.

Stay tuned for further updates, including the return of the Anti-Lit tendencies in the demon cat, a mention of my Annual October Gatherings, a report on Pookie's mental health, and a further lamentation of my lack of social skills and/or friends.


The Magus

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