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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-09-28 - 7:42 a.m.

Construction Zone Warren briefly appeared this month, a few blocks down from our house. It was nice to see it again, and I'm glad that it isn't out of work. Times are tough, even for loud road-work sites.

The Ant-lit Demon Cat has stopped spending time with complete strangers once again and appears to be ready to nest with us over the winter again. Pros: cute Cat-y goodness. Cons: less reading, and having to decide between getting up to pee and not disturbing the cat.

blind-merv had her birthday the other day, and is moving close to TO. That's close in crazy Magus terms, not in real, practical terms.

The poinsetta has not yet died and is almost a year old. I'm torn between happiness at seeing it grow, and sadness because it is no longer just mine to care for.

Pookie and I are doing well, even though we bickered yesterday when he accidently washed my pants without first checking and removing my wallet, 5 bus tickets and $40. He did remove the keys, though.

Our annoying neighbours, who smoke just outside our window and who leave cigarette butts on our shared pathway may be moving soon. Their landlords have put up a "basement for rent" sign. This gives Pookie and I enough hope that on my days off we get drunk and talk loudly about how rude they are whenever they walk by our window.

I have also realised that my most powerful piece of wisdom at the age of 25 is that having a change jar is a necessity. When I was a smoker, it saved my ass many-a-time by having just enough for a small pack of smokes two days before pay day. As a non-smoker, it has helped Pookie and I to buy: bread, butter, booze, eggs, newspapers, bus tickets, electricity, and aspirin, all at times when it was critical that we have these items. What I recommend: keep the change jar near the door, put -all- small change in, and most (or all) large change. Roll coins regularly. Lift and shake the jar whenever you feel down to remind yourself that pennies do have value. Cashiers do take them when they are rolled.

There, that should do it. Now I can write something important.

Boy, I'm tired.


The Magus

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