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12 Weeks to a Better Magus

2002-09-28 - 7:16 a.m.

Analysis of last entry: Too negative, and begs the question "If she is really that much of a drain, why stay friends with her?" The question, of course, begs an answer, which would then be "Because she's a really great person, and when we are -not- talking about her various boyfriends of the years we talk about everything from 'growing up,' to 'psychic powers,' to religion, to global issues. And even with the draining boy talk, we also had fun, in our boring sit-at-a-table kind of way."


Yesterday I received my first comment on how I'm looking now that I've been going to the gym regularly. It was kind of prompted, what with me saying, "Well, I have to go to the gym. I've been going regularly for almost 7 weeks, you know." while looking at her eagerly, desperately-seeking-approval in my eyes. She paused, looked at me and mentioned that I -am- looking buffer, leaner, and hold myself a little better.

I've learned that if I'm going to fish for compliments, I must first learn how to take them better. "Aw, shucks, golly gee whiz," sounds kind of silly when you aren't Dennis the Menace.

Anyway, I've been noticing, too, that I'm looking better. My plan is simple: I am paying attention to NO numbers at all. Pounds, inches, and strength can all take a flying leap. I'm going for quantity, not quality. My goal is just to go to the gym for four days every week for 12 weeks.

Even with my cold last week, I managed, and so now I have been going for almost 7 weeks, and am feeling fine about the impending 5-and-change. I'm not sure what I'll do when those weeks are up, but I'm looking forward to it.

Working out is a lot like everything else with me, with boom and bust cycles, though it's been more bust than boom for the last couple of years, so the fact that I've been going so steady is quite pleasing. Hooray!

And gee, with the exception of that cheering bit, this was a lot duller than I envisioned it. I'm not sure why I thought "12 Weeks to a Better Magus" would be gripping reading. Maybe I should just write about something else. Or, I could just end the entry, hm?


The Magus

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