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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-09-27 - 11:46 p.m.

Wrist update: I shampooed without pain today, though I am feeling like it may be a momentary reprieve. And thanks to winehunter and manukenkun for their helpful support.

On to news.

Well, not real news, more like news about me. I'm going to write something about Tent City, and would have sooner, except that cliftsnotes wrote something to make me reconsider, what with my being something of am armchair activist myself (and darn good at it, too!). I'll do that tonight, perhaps.

Today I got to see an old high school chum, "Nala," who, as luck would have it, goes to a university just a couple of hours away. We weren't terribly close in high school, but ever since, for some reason, we've been pretty good friends. We meet up, by chance or planning, once every now and then. Tonight it was for coffee, since she was in the city.

We chatted about stuff, and she brought up some issues, though now I remember why we speak so rarely, at least on my part.

She has a "Boy Cycle." Every couple of years she falls madly in love, it is always the deepest, most heartfelt, most spiritual and emotional connection that she has ever felt. There is often an obstical (he lives overseas, he's a little distant, or most recently, he's in grade twelve) but in the early stage, nothing can't be overcome. She is obsessed. She will talk of nothing else. Nothing. Everything reminds her of the boy.

In a few months, she'll frett, feel that things are falling apart, worry about her feelings for him and his for her. She'll wonder why he hasn't called, or written, or visitted. She will talk of nothing else. Nothing. Everything will remind her of her worries.

And then things will end. The distance was too great, he met someone else, he just stopped calling. She will be heartbroken. She will talk of nothing else. Nothing. You see where I'm going here.

I guess it gets tiresome not only because I've been through this four times (starting a fifth), but mostly because I'm as certain as she is that one of these days she will meet someone who -will- sweep her off her feet, and who will actually stick around, and who will be the end of these cycles, at least for a few years. I'm not able, though, to ride the wave all the time. How many times can one reassure, talk about cycles, about her appeal, about her inner and outer strengths, rejoice in doomed romance?

Next: either my extreme fatigue, my exploits at the gym, or Tent City! All of which are much less exciting than they seem to be.


The Magus

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