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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Money! And evil corporate greed.

2002-09-13 - 9:10 a.m.

And in a moment that I will describe as "cool," Pookie and I discovered over $4000 in his bank account. This means that, yes, the student loan has come through.

So, the phone company, the overdraft, the cable folks, and the evil credit card company will all get paid. In full. Some may even get a bit extra if we're generous.

Now, before I withdraw everything, have it all exchanged into five dollar bills, throw the pile of cash onto our living room floor and roll in it naked shouting "Show me da money!" over and over again until I'm hoarse, I must remind myself that we must by a couch, a bookshelf, clothes, groceries, pay back money that's owed, plan for my 7th Annual October Gathering, prepare for another (possible) trip home for Christmas (or thereabouts) and...let me other thing...oh yeah, Pookie's tuition.

The one entity that will -not- be benefitting from our newfound wealth is the Toronto Star who, this morning, left a cute little note saying that I owe them $10. This is $10 for a subscription that I never had. At no point have I, or anyone in my household, ever talked with any representative of TorStar Inc. (or Enterprises, or whatever corporate suffix they use), with the sole exception of when a woman called, asked if I wanted to subscribe for half-price, whereupon I said "No." She then asked if I would like to subscribe for just the Sunday paper. I said, "No." She then said, "Well would you be-" and I interrupted her with a "No, I am not interested. I am sorry, but I do not wish to subscribe to your paper in any form at all. Thank you."

Now, there is the fact that we received, for a period of about 2 weeks, a newspaper. This was an unsolicited newspaper, one that neither Pookie, nor myself, asked for. Since the paper was there and getting soggy when it rained, Pookie -did- pick it up and deposit it in our recycling bin. I do not believe that I am morally or legally obligated to pay for things that just appear on my doorstep.

This does not bode well for the paper that printed extremely slanted copy about the Ottawa protests, does it?


The Magus

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