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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

I'm high on life!

2002-09-13 - 7:21 a.m.

So, fresh off the ecstacy of figuring out html (I actually have no idea how I did those links, and will not try them again unless I need to, and had hoped to have the discussion forum thing-y underneath the agoraphobia ring thing-y, instead it's up at the top, which is fine, really, because that's something I'm going to be working on, and the agoraphobia ring isn't mine, I just signed up for it.) I also got paid more than expected this week again, and we are not going to the wedding, so instead Pookie and I will spend the day together.

With money!

So, we're going to go food and clothes shopping, and then we're going to drink ourselves silly, because, really, what kind of a me would I be if I didn't get drunk on a day off?

Happy belated birthday to Manukenkun, too. I'm too lazy right now to link to her, so you can get her diary from my profile or something. While you're there, check out all the other interesting folks, too.

Oh, and sign up for my discussion-y forum thing. Even if you'll never, ever, post, sign up. It'll make me feel special.


The Magus

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