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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Updates. With a dead bird.

2002-09-11 - 1:51 a.m.

The anti-lit demon cat killed a little bird and then decided to eat it in the kitchen.

This had completed thrown me and Pookie for a loop, because on one hand, we're quite pleased that Anti-Lit Demon Cat is able to kill actual birds, despite his respectable paunch. Yay for the athleticism of domesticated felines!

On the other hand, Ew! Dead bird! In our kitchen!

So, Pookie first praised the cat, and then tried to convince it to eat the bird outside. He was successful when he started yelling, causing the cat to go -just- outside our door, but as soon as Pookie's back was turned the cat came back into the kitchen, happily munching and spilling bird blood around.

Pookie stopped yelling and we decided to let the cat finish his bird, and then we'd (translation: he, because I had to get to work) clean up afterwards.

I think, though, that moments like that, or like when the cat comes and sleeps with us (always on my side, which means I wake up and have two inches of leg room), or when he just pounces in like a crazy cat, stands right in front of us, and meows...those moments make both of us feel like family, and I like that.

In other news, the poinsetta that had previously been neglected by all except for me has now been taken up by the whole staff, which means I come in at night and the poor thing is drowning in its spill-guard-tupperware-thing. So now, instead of watering it so it will live, I must de-water it so it will not die.

Also, we have a wedding to go to on friday, which means that I will spend an evening surrounded by complete strangers. I think my plan is to pretend it isn't happening until the last minute. On the bright side, it's an open bar reception.

And finally, I get paid this week, and this paycheque is different because it will be lots and lots of money that I can spend. On things. That I like and that aren't bills and rent and food. Pookie and I are going to go for a gigantic shopping trip at the grocery store. Such excitement! We'll buy frozen peppers! Fresh tomatos! Name brand toothpaste!

You see, he's getting his student loan next week, so rent is covered, so we can actually spend money a little frivolously. Yay!


The Magus

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