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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-09-06 - 7:15 a.m.

Well, I got to see ihatepizza's banner, completely unexpectedly, and I have to wonder if Miss manukenkun has found it yet. I don't have ihatepizza listed on my favourites list, mainly because I haven't red her diary, but Manukenun has been looking out for it, so I'm putting it here.

Now, of course, this entry isn't supposed to be about banner sightings. It's really about why I love the CBC, CBC radio One, in particular.

Today's program of "Metro Morning" has so far run segments on: legalising pot (hence that earlier entry), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and a new treatment of, Women's shelters in conjunction with spousal abuse and whether the government is giving enough (it isn't). Coming up, there will be an interview with a transgendered individual (not sure yet if it's FtM or MtF) and with the Radical Cheerleaders, some of whom I witnessed when I went to Ottawa, and have to say are pretty cool.

And this is all in the course of a three hour show, and this isn't necessarily an unusual line-up. -This- is something that I'm proud of paying for with my tax dollars, and is the station that has kept me company and provided real-world news about what's going on in the world, augmenting my fairly leftist biased news sources with something a little more mainstream.

In slightly less fun news, my CBC Buddy is leaving us peons to go to teachers' college. She is so gonna kick ass as a teacher, but all of us are going to miss her. She's one of the few people I actually get to talk politics with, and she actually gave me some examples of real-world applications of some of ParEcon's theories, once I explained what ParEcon is.

What I was looking for was a sort of feasable stepping stone, a way to begin moving from our capitalist system towards a more socialist, more egalitarian world, and what she suggested was Co-Ops and city barter systems, both of which really deserve seperate entries, and which could definitely serve as beginings towards an equal society.

Man, I'm gonna miss her.


The Magus

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