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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

She is a He now, OKAY???

2002-09-06 - 7:30 a.m.

Of course, I keep forgetting that while Andy Barrie, host of Metro Morning, is a great interviewer when it comes to pinning politicians and corporate yes-people, he is a little weak when dealing with gender and sexuality issues.

I know that, for some people, pronouns are an issue, but when you only have two types to choose from (he-types and she-types), you'd think you'd at least figure it out with a minimum of fuss.

If he says he's a he, then, no matter what he was, use "he." Got it? Good.

Also, it is an FtM, and actually is an FtM that used to work where I work, way back just before I was hired.


The Magus

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