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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

A big number for a small plant.

2002-09-06 - 6:32 a.m.

Six hundred thousand Canadians have a criminal record because of pot.

That means 600 000 cases that have gone before the courts, probably not including cases that were dropped.

How many hours and dollars spent, I have no idea, but it is quite a lot.

I'm thinking that, given how pot is certainly no more dangerous than cigarette smoke or alcohol, that's a lot of time and money that has been wasted, that could have been spent on health care, education, welfare, job production...all of which have been shown to decrease the conditions that lead to institutionalized drug and alcohol abuse. Not to mention crime, chronic health conditions, poverty, inner city decay...

I really hope that, this time, Canada is able to resist the puritanical influence of our neighbours to the south and actually take a step towards legalising pot.

Believe it or not, I have no personal stake in this, since, whether pot is legal or not, I will not have any money with which to purchase it.


The Magus

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