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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

The Ramblings of a Lonely Traveller

2002-08-09 - 3:33 p.m.

Feeling better on account of having an empty house (even when it's not mine) and some really great guestbook signings. I guess letting people I know delve into my innermost yearnings and anguishes-of-the-soul isn't so bad.

I feel like these entries from Afar are just using up bandwidth, though. When I get home and have my own keyboard under my fingertips, my own font-size in front of me, I'll wax poetic about such themes as economics, left-wing reactionaries, and perhaps a revisit to my all-time favourite topic: Ye Olde Toothebrushe.

I also had to laugh a little while reading my replacement's latest d-land entries. Is that a touch of mania I sense, Will? Is the bizarre, topsy-turvy world of late-nightedness taking its toll? Has colour lost all meaning and have wild dogs started to speak to you in riddles during your fevered daytime dreams?

(Insert diabolical laughter here)

Tonight is yet another social function, maybe, one I'm looking forward to, since I've barely seen any of my friends this week, and would like to reconnect again before going back to Toronto. Chances are, now that I want something to do, that everything will fall apart and I'll wind up sobbing into a glass of beer, lonely and bereft of all earthly delights.

oo! And when I was at my brother's the other day, Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by! I felt bad for the old guy as he pulled out his Watchtower (get yer minds out of the gutter! These are god's people, you know!), he began his speech, and all I could say was "Man, you shoulda been here ten minutes ago: I just signed on with the Satanists."

I didn't really say that, but it makes for an interesting story, no?

And this keyboard vexes me to no end, so I will ramble later, but no more rambling now.


The Magus

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