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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Square Peg

2002-08-08 - 8:43 p.m.

Ah, so I make a wish and it comes true. That's how it works, is it?

Today was bad. Not really bad, just uncomfortable bad. My anxiety level has been high all day, and I just want a nice, quiet, empty room where I can read a book for the rest of the trip.

I was snarky and mean to Pookie all day, eventually left him so he could get his tattoo worked on, came home, and now feel like everyone just barely tolerates me.

I'm the fish out of water, the third- or fifth- wheel, the guy who really should be elsewhere because he really doesn't fit in here.

The absolute worst thing about this feeling is that I mostly know it's just in my head. I can't go asking for confirmation that I am, indeed, a good person and wanted, because I know I am. Mostly.

But right now I just want to go home.



The Magus

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