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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Crippled Momentarily.

2002-08-09 - 10:30 p.m.

I'm back to wanting to curl up again. I've been dangerously unbalanced, nihilistic-alternating-with-manic for probably the last two weeks. That sense of impending doom has followed me to Halifax. I feel I can't do anything right, and I spent most of today huddling in the hosts' basement, where Pookie and I are sleeping, listening to the footsteps above and willing everybody to stay upstairs.

On the bright side, my Squirtle is almost level 30, and my Meowth is doing well, too.

I'm expecting to get in trouble. I have no desire to even move. I want to go home and I want to teleport instantly.

I wish it was easier to explain to these people. I've settled for feigning illness. The burger King food I had earlier has upset my stomache, I say. If I can sit quietly, I might feel better. That explanation seems to make them not think I'm so very weird.

Antisocial behaviour is not approved of by society.


The Magus

PS: While writing Cheers I was forced to speak with someone. It wasn't so bad, but (activate whining action) I WANNA GO HOME!!!

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