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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

You wanna talk -family-? I'll give ya -family-!

2002-08-06 - 11:44 p.m.

Famous last words.

Apparently you can say a lot about family. In fact, you can say so much that The Magus' ears are going to start bleeding.

Pookie wants to talk about his folks, my mom wants to talk about my brother, my brother wants to talk about our parents (but wants me to not talk about his girlfriend's name or his roommate's sudden departure), and my dad wants to talk about my brother and my mom, my step-mom wants to talk about my dad's family in New Brunswick, including my newly minted Crazy Aunt. Pookie loves all this and when my family is out of the room wants to debrief with me about everything.

On account of us now having $20 to our name, I'm thinking that me huddled in a corner with Pokemon Blue on the "borrowed" (from Pookie's brother) gameboy is a nice plan for the rest of the week.

There's some bitterness about seperate beds at dad's tonight, but at least now I know it's the step-mom, not the dad, who came up with this decree.

And now I am not going to talk about family ever again. Ever. There's no amount of preventative ear gauze in the world.


The Magus

PS: I'm not much of an economics buff either, Mystery Guestbook Signer, and would love to come at the ParEcon (<-see how I picked up that term like that?) from a sociological or political standpoint, but the inventors of the system are economists, so it'll take some time before I can develop a coherent standpoint or description.

PPS: Yes, everyone is equal. Except for family members. If you are a family member, you are not equal. You are sheeps' droppings. Can I go back to being agorophobic again?

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