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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

No, they aren't paying me.

2002-08-01 - 12:23 a.m.

Okay, I am an addict of Popcap games. It was the Mummy game that finally got me to check their website out, but their Pirate game and their money-falling-from-heaven games had me already hooked. I wasn't a fan of the diamond-switcheroo game, but hey, you can't always find a winner.

On their website I found "Dynomite," a game with dinosaurs and their eggs, very reminiscent of an arcade game I played repeatedly in my first year of university. So, memories and good game play created an addict.

I discovered their fridge magnet game, called "psychobabble" and dammit if I didn't visit them anytime I felt I wanted to be on the computer but had nothing better to do (ie, whenever I told myself I should be writing but didn't want to.)

Recently, they developed two new games. Noah's Ark, which aside from it's judeo-christian bias is dull as heck, and their newest game "Insaniquarium" which is fun as all-get-out! You basically have to defend your money-and-jewel-shitting fish from evil aliens with your laser while dropping food pellets. What fun!

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You'll thank me for it later.


The Magus

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