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Equality - rough draft

2002-07-31 - 6:25 a.m.

I just deleted a really long post on viewing people as "sheep" because it was unwieldy, and if you don't reach your thesis statement by the 8th paragraph you're doing something wrong.

I think that part of the reason why Participatory Economics appeals to me is because it doesn't accept elitism as a necessity (though you wouldn't know it to read some of the essays - social activists really need to stop using graduate-school-ese.) In fact, elitism is definitely not desired in ParEcon (which is what they call it, and since it's easier to type and this might be a long entry I'm gonna comform). At the base of that system is the assumption that people are capable and willing to make postive decisions, given that they are in a situation to do so.

But I need to understand more. I'm ending this entry prematurely, since I'm kinda stuck on some concepts...I want to explain as best as I can why it's important that we start to assume that average people are smart, are capable, are as worthy as any university graduate or CEO...something that is not seen today. I also welcome folks to dispute'll give me something to structure a rant on. to ponder.


The Magus

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