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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Quotations are good in moderation, "only!"

2002-07-31 - 4:50 a.m.

I'm reading some more on Participatory Economics, a possible alternative to the capitalist system we have in place now, so expect a long, boring entry on this sort of thing again...

I'm not really a giant advocate of Participatory Economics, especially since I only know enough to scratch the surface, but it is, really, the only proposed alternative to capitalism and communism that we have (and I haven't even written off good socialist should. Actually, that's not true...communism is elitist, and I don't think that meshes with my idealism. I'm gonna write an entry about elitism eventually.), or at least that I've heard of. And the more alternatives, the better.

Anyway, I'm just writing this because I have some advice to essay writers, particularly to activist essayists, because it's something I find quite prevalent: you -can- over use quotation marks.

Here's an excerpt from an essay that I'm going to slog through reading no matter what:

"Of course this is the capitalist "solution" to the "economic problem" which has been spreading its sway for roughly three centuries."

(It can be found in whole here: )

In the paragraph that that comes from there are no less than 6 "quotations," presumably to "denote" something like "sarcasm." It is an absilute "pain" to have a "quoted word" every two seconds.

When quotation marks are used sparingly and appropriately, they can be a useful tool to bring interest and emphasis to certain points, as well as to add an extra layer of depth and meaning. Unfortunately, when they are used too much they weaken the text and they make you seem like an extremist, or at least unbalanced. To me, you sound "shrill."


The Magus

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