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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-07-31 - 2:36 a.m.

So, this is my last night at work before I go home to Halifax for two weeks. My mom and dad both have computers and internet access, so I'm hoping to update once or twice, though with family you can never be sure about whether there will be time.

That's a happy thing, though: I haven't had a summer in Halifax for two years now, and I need it. There's the ocean, the cool wind off the sea, the parks, margueritas at Your Father's Moustache...I'm looking forward to camping for a couple of days, and am kinda excited about seeing my old friends and work-mates.

And of course my little sister, who's probably taller than me by now, even though she's only (almost) 10.

The downside is 26 hours on the bus.


The Magus

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