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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Tragic Hero

2002-07-19 - 12:52 a.m.

And this is a tragic hero.

I am not supposed to be at work, but I am.

As a result, people are thankful that they don't have to find someone to fill in the shift.

Also, I don't get to sleep with Pookie who is enjoying his first day of freedom from the workterm.

There is tomorrow, of course, but by then my weekend will only have 2 days, and one of those will have babysitting Pookie's brother's daughters, which, if gay marriage -were- legalised, would be my nieces. Which is weird.

So I'm a hero who will now suffer for another 7 hours.

Which way to the Greek Tragedies?


The Magus

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