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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-07-18 - 5:02 a.m.

And I guess I was one of the lucky few who was updating when that older entries thingy happened, which means I have extra steps -and- lost the entry I was working on.

I think I fixed everything, but my hypertext skills are such that I think I've changed the font of the dates in the older files. They look bigger to me. And there's a dash that probably shouldn't be there, but I'm afraid that if I hunt it down and excise it, I will destroy everything.

I'm just glad to have the archives working seems to me they were easier to put up than they were to put up again.

And, I'm gonna try something I may have just learned. I've seen manukenkun do it, so if you can link to her site, then I am a wunderkind!


The Magus

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