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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Almost Wases

2002-07-19 - 5:27 a.m.

I've half-started and then erased about 4 different entries...I want to write, but I must be empty.

Some ideas for a future entry, but not right now:

1) A restatement of this journal's goals, since they've changed, or at least my entries don't always reflect my original goals anymore.

2) The story of Pookie's chain and his co-worker, but only if he gives me permission, as it's personal, but Important (my capital "I" important).

3) A name for Pookie's friend who will now be moving to Toronto, and will likely become a major player in Pookie's life, and therefore my own.

4) More political rants. Natch.

5) The fact that all my old fictional characters from stuff I have -finished- are still bouncing around in my head and won't leave room for any new folks. It's a little frustrating.

So, those are all things I almost wrote about tonight, but then didn't.


The Magus

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