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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Commies and (implied) commas

2002-07-18 - 1:21 a.m.

So my dilemma was solved through sleep. I skipped the meeting and may or may not have stood up my psuedo-friend. This is why people don't clamor to join my inner circle.

In other news, I am going to continue in my vein of manli-manness that began with watching the last Leaf's game this season by going to see the Toronto Blue Jays throw and hit little white balls and then run around some cushions. That's right, folks, on Friday I will see my first baseball game in Toronto.

In unrelated matters, I have now 10 people who have listed me as a favourite...twice the number that I had decided would prompt my remodelling of the site and/or upgrading to gold. I think I will upgrade to gold, but not until I've gone home to visit the folks.

Um....and that's it, except for current chaos in the American market which has me looking to the sky to see if any puppies will fall from heaven.

I don't like chaos, and I fully expect to wake up one day and find that the rich folks have changed the rules so that they can be on their way to more richness again, but it's kind of like Christmas in July for a little anti-capitalist like me.

Oh! And, I'm over my daytime tv habit that I mentioned in the early The-Magus days. I can't watch The View fact, most daytime television has suffered since September 11th, and I'm really glad I don't live in the states, if only because it seems like it's really difficult for stuff to get through their comfort zone of infotainment.

What brought this on was a snippet on The View during their Hot Topics segment where they were discussing the US Government's drive to recruit plumbers, postal workers, milkmen, and anyone who goes from house to house on a regular basis to help them keep an eye out for terrorists. Star saw nothing wrong with this, and when Joy sort of seemed uncomfortable, Star deflected and softened the idea of secret police by reminding everyone of the nice old lady down the street who always knew what was going on in the neighbourhood. Remember those days? Remember when the nice old lady turned in your neighbour because he was a pinko commie and possibly a Russian spy? It turned out he was just the son of vietnamese immigrants who wanted to have a life as a baker, but of course the two years in prison hardened him and now he makes money as a crack dealer. He's also got some connections now. Some -red- connections.

Yeah, so that pissed me off.

Oh! One last thing...I know, like, under a dozen people read this and everything, but a friend of mine is putting out a 'zine on the housing crisis in Toronto and is looking for contributors...I know I get some international traffic, but I bet there's room for articles on how other cities are or are not handling their own housing challenges. If you, or someone you know, wants to submit, just contact me (either through the guestbook or through email) and I'll hook you up with her. She's not accepting submissions from pinko commies, though.


The Magus

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