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Tenacious D Rocks.

Boring Entry About Sweat.

2002-07-16 - 5:11 a.m.

My office has air conditioning.

When I started work here, they were remodeling, and so the place where I answered phones and stuff was in a smaller area with it's on heat/cool controls. If I was too warm, I would turn the aircoinditioning up a notch. I'm the sort of person who could live in a meat locker.

When the remodelling was finished, we moved to a larger space (the "office proper" actually, our little CSR-land seperated by cubicle-y shelves.

The heating out here is actually set to a definite program. This program keeps the office air conditioners running during the day, because that's when people are here. But I think the cooling gets turned off, or runs less frequently at night, because I'm the only one here.

So, at about this time, around 5:30am, I start to get uncomfortable and sweaty. When I walk to other parts of the office (like, say, the old, smaller room where our printer is) I can tell there is a difference in heat levels.

I miss the old space.


The Magus

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