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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-07-16 - 5:18 a.m.

Oh, and I had an employee review today, and things are seeming okay. Any issues they brought up were things I already knew had to be worked on, and all agreed that I'm a wonderful employee and a joy to work with!

I also brought up the question of someone from work reading my journal, and how, in light of rumours that there had been firings on account of Diaryland entries, that made me a little nervous. I'm glad I brought it up,even if nothing can really be done about it. I'll just have to make sure I don't commit libel or anything.

If anyone asks, I work at Ted's Roast Beef Shack in Tijuana, Mexico. I get paid 3 cents an hour and am saving up to buy myself a poncho. My hobbies are siestas and breathing smog.


The Magus

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