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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

A website to look at.

2002-07-09 - 12:04 p.m.

Just a reminder...everyone visit this site - - because I'm a gomer.

I was reading it, and in Will's transition journal he describes some of the changes, and one thing that struck me was his description of the hair on the back of his hands...I had never considered that I have hair there...I mean, I knew I had hair on the backs of my hands, along the side, reaching from wrist-dimple to the first knuckle of the baby finger, but I had never thought of the -maleness- of it.

My gender is easy for me, as it is, I'm guessing, for a lot of people. I am male. And I've had the whole world to reaffirm that. I'm comfortable with the form my body takes, if not in particulars, then in its general theme. Women, to me, have and likely always will, constitute an "other," if only because of the ways we've been socialized.

As newborns, the world begins to drill into us our roles. Babies that are identified as male are described as "strong," "intelligent," "handsome." Babies identified as female are described as "beautiful," "delicate," "precious." These are words that can apply to -all- newborns, but from the very beginning, whether we have a blue cap or a pink cap, we get labeled.

Most of us don't have to worry about this too much, because even if we don't like the details, we can agree with the theme. I bet most of us can remember at least giving some thought to our genitals, our facial hair, our breasts, during puberty, waiting to develop into what we expected to become.

What sort of life do you live if everything the world tells you about yourself is wrong?

Again, I hate to be a gomer...this isn't my battle, but I think it bears thinking about. Just as poverty is not just an issue for the poor, descrimination is not just an issue for the oppressed, and sexism is not just an issue for's a good idea for everyone to know a little about the people around them.

And to remember to be glad for the hair on the back of their hands, for instance.


The Magus

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