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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

I don't care if it's the most gorgeous day ever.

2002-07-05 - 11:56 a.m.

Today is a lazy day for me. In fact, I might spend all of it in bed. I just might, you know...there's a really good possibility. The day in bed with a good book and the fan in case it's too warm, and maybe a tall glass of ice water and maybe some comfort food of some sort (we're out of vegetarian chili mixin's so I'll have to invent a new comfort food for the purposes of today).

And Pookie is in a state of near panic in regards to finding a place, so having a break from that is good, too, because I guess I wait until the last minute to panic (or, well, do stuff) and the thought of panicking for six weeks straight makes me uncomfortable.

I also can't figure out how he made me feel guilty because I'm upset that he made plans for us to spend all day tomorrow looking at apartments without even asking me.

So that makes enjoying today all the more important.


The Magus

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