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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Uh-oh...he's ranting again.

2002-07-04 - 12:13 p.m.

It is in the best interest of the "city" to have a long strike. Whether they capitulate or not, it is better for them for the city to get as smelly and useless and crippled as possible for as long as possible.


Because the "city" has a lot of money to put into spin. They can put a lot of commercials and ads and whatever out there to talk about how what they're doing is for the best, how unions are bad, how the garbage men are being selfish.

As the city gets worse, the general public will get fed up, frustrated and upset. The print media (I promise you this) will avoid certain issues, and treat the strike with exasperation. The current spin, that "no one has a job for life, so why should the garbage folk" (coming from someone who, at this point, likely has a hefty pension), will get played out and repeated over and over again.

By the end of the strike, some people will have decided that unions are selfish. Most people will find themselves at least a little fed up with unions. The power of unions will be reduced, at least a little. And that, coincidentally, works well for you, if you're rich and want cheap labour.


The Magus

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