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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Careless Pseudo-word Use

2002-07-02 - 5:23 a.m.

And the beat goes on and you really -can't- stop the music, anymore than you can stop the trees from growing, the snow from snowing, the wind from blowing.

Or something.

Bad movies are great, except that Pookie and I invariably don't return them on time and end up paying more than it would have cost to buy them. So, perhaps it is time that we just went and bought all our DVDs. At least we'd never have to worry if they were overdue.

On a related note, the 60% of our DVD collection that he loaned out has not yet returned to us. I say "our" and "us" even though only one of the DVDs gone could be counted as "mine." That would be Rocky Horror, and I've had a desire to watch it lately. Another absent movie is Moulin Rouge, which I didn't enjoy so much, but I think I can watch it again. Except it isn't here.

And the weather lady on the radio just told me that we should expect it to get really hot again today. Blah.

And you may or may not have noticed that I haven't been talking much about where my politics lie after going to the protest, and that's because I think they've changed and I haven't quite figured 'em out again.

The problem is that someone said that my views were "Anarchist," which bugs me because, based on a strict understanding of the term, I think anarchism is stupid. It's a system that would have a very, very difficult chance at succeeding. There has to be some authority, or else people will congregate around their own, and start the whole mess of societal evolution over again, except this time with 6 billion people on the planet.

My own ideas are just as foolhardy: I'd like to see a system in place that allows for maximum freedom, but with regulations that restrict peoples' abilities to exploit others. This is why the idea of Participatory Economics (which I still don't fully understand) appeals to me, because it seems like something I could work with. But Participatory Economics is apparently an Anarchist idea.

Another problem is that I consider myself a pacifist, but am finding it quite difficult to condemn others who might use violence, and that's troubling for some reason. I'm actually less concerned about the tactics of the "Black Bloc" or whatever, and more concerned with the new-ish movement among radicals of self-policing. I'm very wary of the mentality that would turn in someone to the police because of vandalism during a protest.

And I think maybe I'm most upset because there are so many more subtleties and political subtexts in the radical/anti-corporate movement than I had really expected, and I can see ways that those politics are harming the movement, and I'm seeing some divisiveness (<--I can use pseudo words whenever I want to. So there.) that isn't even necessary. There are groups that won't associate with each other, even though they agree on 90% of their ideas.

Argh. Blah. Blyurrgle!

Ha! Betcha thought this was going to be a light, airy, fun entry! Fooled you!

In conclusion, if I'm made Mr. Canada, I'll save the whales by feeding them lawyers.


The Magus

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