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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

News and Ramblings.

2002-07-01 - 12:38 a.m.

And of course on the heels of -that- really stupid entry, comes some possible good news, and just general ramblings of a good sort, I think. I hope, actually, since I never really know if I'll stay on topic when I write these, and I'm not big on editting. I should be, given my spelling, but I'm not. People read me anyway, though, so my bad spelling can be -their- problem.

I've been social for the last week, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. There's still that part of me that just wants to stay home, and I almost gave into it today, when Pookie wanted to go to see the Pride parade, but I ended up going out anyway. I'm glad I did, though I can feel a little edge to my emotions, a touch of hysteria that says it's almost time for me to hibernate again.

And there are two pieces of good news...the first is a Happy Happy bit of good news, and it's likely not true, and we'll decide against it, but it may be that Pookie and I will be getting a puppy. A puppy would be good for The Magus, a puppy would make The Magus happy. The Magus, in case you didn't know, is a Dog Person. In a lot of ways, dogs are much better than people.

The other bit of good news is that we've found an apartment that is available next month, that has windows, a ceiling that Pookie won't bump into, and a completely different is it from our hole in the ground that we reside in now that this piece of possibility is equally likely to fizzle and disappear.

So, all is not gloomy, right?

Do I really have to work tonight? Really?



The Magus

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