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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Why I'm cranky.

2002-07-01 - 1:12 a.m.

And it's fascinating to see piles of garbage only three feet from a garbage can. Apparently a city workers/garbage strike means that people no longer have to clean up after themselves.

Anyone who says that gay men are cleanlier than straight folk ought to visit a street after Pride.

Of course, the big question now is whether the bars are open to 4am tonight. People need to know! They must know! Will I be getting stupid calls and/or drunk fellow staffer visits past 4am?

This is all just a sign that I've had too much sun today and not enough coffee. One must not work 8 hours overnight on 3 hours sleep. One simply must not.


The Magus

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