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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Pride! And Stuff! And Verbal Diarrhea

2002-06-29 - 12:23 p.m.

Pookie is cute.

Today is Pride-for-Magus.

Because this week has been All About Magus.


And DS9 was the best new Star Trek, and Farscape rocks more than Buffy right now, and I talked with a guy on the bus about kid movies that we both saw, remembered details of, could not remember names of, and have adored. Like the movie where these kids become "spies" to save their dog from an evil dog catcher who tries to convince them that the dog is rabid by spraying them with a hose.

And, for the record, it is illegal for a gay man to be sober on Pride weekend. The sentence is doubled if he was sober on his birthday.


And, a side note: Pookie also wrote on the mirror with soap, which he does from time to time, usually to say he loves me and happy birthday and such. I can never clean the mirror, for the same reason that he can never delete my voicemail can't last for practical reasons, but it's important to keep it as long as possible.


The Magus

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