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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Run-on Sentences of Happiness

2002-06-24 - 12:28 a.m.

Came in to work today to a birthday surprise, which isn't really a surprise because everyone on the customer service staff gets a present and cake on or around their birthday, even though I had secretly been expecting nothing, because I like to suspect the worst because I am crazy.

So, I got a book as a present, which is a risky endeavor, but they chose well, and I admitted to being tough to buy for, on account of my not having any preferences for anything, or at least none that I speak of.

Tomorrow (well, technically tomorrow, for me it's almost like the next day, but that's because I live in a crazy dimension where night is day and nothing is as it seems) I get to go to Ottawa, and I have housing, if only I can find or buy a tent, which I will do tomorrow, I think (the real tomorrow, which is technically today. Blah.)

I'm excited and not so much nervous, except that, again, I'm sure I'll get lost and stranded and kidnapped or something.

And I'm mostly in a good mood, because I have new clothes and shoes and because my birthday is on the 27th and I will be 25, and I'm also going on a trip and I had a great day with Pookie yesterday, and we spent most of it just looking at each other and smiling and making out and being nuissances to anyone who's alone. Sorry folks, but it's nice to have a good day with the man you love, and it gets tough to hide it.

And now I must work, because that's what I get paid for and the next time I'll be in here will be after I've smited the dastardly capitalist forces in our nation's capital.


The Magus

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