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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Goals. Not the football kind.

2002-06-20 - 4:52 a.m.

Oh yeah, bay-bee, The Magus is tired. Real tired.

But luckily there isn't too much work tonight. Huzzah!

This entry was actually going to be about my immediate, intermediate, and long-term goals and hopes as an activist. Maybe I can salvage something from the sleepiness....


My immediate goal is to become more vocal, to be force of education, to let people know what I think is wrong and why, and to direct them to my sources so that they can check things out for themselves. To this end, I would -love- to find a nice website that spells out the anti-globalisation movement in simple A-B-C terms...something that isn't overly simplistic but can be a good introduction to the reasons why I do what I do. If I can't find such a website, I may have to borrow "Websites for Dummies" from the library and make one myself...but that's more of an intermediate thing.

So, I want to engage people in conversation, talk with them, maybe put up posters, be a loud and vocal member of my community, be it cyber or real life. I want my friends and relatives to know my leftist spiels by heart whether they want to or not.

I think I've already started this fairly well.

Intermediate: I want to help maintain and salvage the socialist institutions that we have left in Canada, like medicaire, public media (CBC! Yay!), education, and put pressure on the government to improve on those institutions, as well as introducing new and better ones (equal rights! Gay marriage! Environment-friendly policies as a standard, not an extra!).

Also, I want to work towards preventing the government from making things easier on transnational corporations to the detriment of our citizens/environment. Pressure the government to do what it can to minimize the effects of "chapter 11" and NAFTA, and if possible to get out of that agreement altogether.

Internationally, I would like our government to take on a more active diplomatic role while minimizing our military roles in global conflicts. I don't want to eliminate the military, per se, since that would put one of Pookie's brothers out of a job, but instead direct them towards more humanitarian causes....

Long term...

This one's a problem, because I haven't quite figured out what the structure of the world I'd like to live in should be...this is likely the biggest problem of the left, aside from the fact that meetings (at least the Mob4Glob one) tend towards "dysfunctional family" as opposed to "cogent force for positive change."


I'll get back to you on the long term.


The Magus

PS: One week until my birthday!

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