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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Maturity is a dish best served cold.

2002-06-20 - 12:43 a.m.

I am starting to love that stat measuere-y thingy. It has so many uses. I want to marry it.

It only has one flaw, and that flaw is tiny really, just that it reports back on my activities all the time, telling me where I've been and when, when all I really need to know is when -you've- been.

But that's just a small flaw, really.

I can't wait until someone comes here from a search engine hit. I'm tempted to follow in one of my ex-colleague's footsteps and put words like "Ewan McGregor's Penis" on the site...just to see if that works, but I'm too mature for that.


And I definitely won't write much about boobies, because I have gay sex all the time with hot, hung studs.

So, those words definitely don't have a place in here, and as a consequence I won't put them in.

I shall even resist the urge to shout "HOT SEX LIVE BOOBIES PENIS SEX SEX SEX!" because I am above that sor of behaviour.

It's great taking the high road.


The Magus

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