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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Paranoia, bay-bee!

2002-06-19 - 10:38 a.m.

First, a word of advice: If you go to the gym for the first time in a month and work on legs, DO NOT then decide to walk home.

Okay, now down to business.

Would the person from my work who seems to check this website when I'm not at work please sign my guestbook or write me an email? And not you, HRHGreggie, you're exempt.

I'm just asking because the likeliest culprit says she doesn't have time to read any d-land sites, which makes sense since she's doing work to fill an entire department by herself.

The reason why I ask is because there are two possibilities.

One is that there is a person at work who discovered my site and loves it, and thinks it's great and that I'm a brilliant writer and should get a raise just for being spiffy. In this case, I'd love to know who it is so that we can go out for beer or something and drastically improve my social life.

The other is that it is part of a systematic monitering of d-land sites by my employers, which makes me nervous. Not for anything I've said, because I'm pretty sure I haven't trashed work any more than is reasonable for someone in the customer service industry, but because I have some concerns about working in a place that would clandestinely keep tabs on my creative output for purposes yet unknown.

I hope it's the first possibility.

I won't tell you which possibility I secretly suspect.


The Magus

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