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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Hi ho, Hi ho, It's off to a meeting I go!

2002-06-19 - 6:03 p.m.

I have so not had enough sleep today.

But it can't be helped because today I go to pay for my Ottawa tickets as well as find out what exactly I'll be doing (I hope) and maybe even meet some people in the process.

The group I'm hoping to affilliate myself with is Mob4Glob, which stands for "Mobilisation for Global Justice," and they're the ones holding the meeting tonight. If I like things, I'll go out for beer with them (the email-y guy said that I should...and I always do what email-y guys tell me), and then I have to go to work for another 8 hours, a place where the culprit who was the focus of the last entry has not come forward.

I leave in like 30 minutes...I'm kinda nervous, but not too bad. I'll probably make a fool of myself and mumble and all that stuff, but hey, these are social activists. I bet some of 'em are even geekier than me!


The Magus

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