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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Quick Idea.

2002-06-19 - 6:22 a.m.

Idea because I don't have my idea notebook:

In Morocco, apparently, it's believed that marriage is a time of danger...because the couple enter a transformative experience, emerging from the wedding ceremony as a single being...because of this, weddings involve a lot of superstition and attempts to thwart evil eyes and spirits.

One problem is that spirits are believed to live in the ground, and so can travel into the bride through her a consequence she is sometimes forbidden to touch the ground until after the wedding, sometimes even until the husband says she can after she'd been delivered to his home.

Two ideas, actually, depending on which novel I want to use it in: the first, del Oya's story, she could be the shunned woman, because her feet touched the ground during the ceremony and her husbvand died shortly after...seems much better than her just being "crazy."

The second, the Ayanar novel, could be a woman/queen who has been forbidden to touch the ground by her overweening husband, and so has spent years living in a building lifted off the ground, a prisoner.

Those should make no sense to anyone. So go and read other entries. Go on, go! Shoo!


The Magus

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