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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Tomato, Tomahto.

2002-06-18 - 1:48 a.m.

And because I'm just so darn neato-keen, I've added a stats monitor, because my self-esteem was way too high and I had to make sure that only 3 or so people actually visit to hear about my oh-so-exciting life. Now, in addition to my real world problems I can always whine about whether or not my site is popular.

Speaking of whining...

I'm suffering from cognitive dossonance over the whine-whinge thing. I hate whinge. I thought it wasn't a real word, just people not able to spell or use english or anything. You may not be able to tell, due to my grotesque spelling errors and typos, but I'm a bit of a snob where literacy is involved. I cringe at "whinge."

The last straw was when I saw it in a headline in a local indy-paper. I promptly went to the computer, looked up, and typed in "whinge," confident that they made a grevious error in 24-point letters.

No, they didn't.

Whinge is, indeed, a word. It means "whine," and rhymes with "cringe." The entries said it was uncommon, seems to be british, but is a perfectly acceptable word.

The thing is, from the times I've seen it, in most cases I'm -certain- they're misusing it, or mistaking it for "whine." They're right, but only by accident. It's driving me crazy. It makes me want to cry. Or whine. Or whinge. Whatever.


The Magus

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