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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

My home town.

2002-06-17 - 10:48 a.m.

I'm home and tired, but I wanted to make a note.

My home city is Halifax.

On the weekend, protestors, some of whom almost certainly my friends, attempted to hold a peaceful protest.

Friday went well, Saturday was tear gas, plastic bullets filled with pepper spray, police weilding tasers and real guns, un-manned police dogs.

I wish I was there, but I'm glad I wasn't, because I would have been one of those choking on pepper spray, or watching colleagues be arrested for having something to say, or running down Spring Garden Road, or toward Lower Water Street, or being forced to my knees on Brunswick (a street that was my home for a year).

The attacks themselves wouldn't bother me so much, but I'm glad I'm not there because I want to keep my home safe, keep it separate from the injustices that don't appear on the news except as a side note. Those places in the pictures on the Maritimes Indymedia site aren't just battlegrounds...they're landmarks. They're memories and experiences. They are a part of my life, and freedom shouldn't be assailed in my home.

So, I'm more tired than I should be, and I hope my friends are all alright.

Blind Merv> Let me know what went on, 'kay? Even if you weren't there, you'll have heard something, and I want to know the city hasn't been teargassed into the ocean.


The Magus

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