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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Phantom of the Office who can Nurse the Beer Responsibly.

2002-06-17 - 6:36 a.m.

Oh God I'm so tired and I wanna go -hooooommmee-!

Whine, bitch, moan. Repeat.

Beer, it seems, has become the first of a list of alcoholic beverages that I can nurse but cannot drink to excess. The night of falling-off-the-wagon had me drinking 6 over the period of 5 hours - much less than my usual of a dozen or so - and then getting tired and falling asleep around 9pm. It was kind of sad, really.

But I like it, too, because it means that those few moments where I would come home from work, have one or two beer, and then STOP might actually mean that I'm developping some maturity with my drinking habits.

Memo to self: Beer is for nursing or recuperating from work when I have to work the next day. Vodka and wine are for killing brain cells en masse.

In other news, yet another person in my office has been downsized. Except they don't call it downsizing, because that would cause panic and mayhem amongst us peons. In the year that I've been hired there has been an average of one person leaving/being fired/whatever a month. It isn't a big office, really.

What really bothers me though is that because I work the midnight shift, other than the other customer service folks, I never see anyone else in the office. The few people that I manage to match a name and a face with tend to leave. It's slightly worrisome and is hampering my efforts to meet other folks who share this building in the day time.

Maybe I should just settle into the role of the pasty-faced, cringing weird hermit of the night who fades away into the drywall when the sun rises. Like Phantom of the Opera. Hey, it -is- a gay-managed office, after all.

I wanna go Hooooommmeee!

Whine, bitch, moan. Repeat.


The Magus

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